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3 Triangulated Categories
 3.1 Categorical operations

  3.1-1 StandardConeObject

  3.1-2 AddStandardConeObject

  3.1-3 MorphismToStandardConeObjectWithGivenStandardConeObject

  3.1-4 AddMorphismToStandardConeObjectWithGivenStandardConeObject

  3.1-5 MorphismToStandardConeObject

  3.1-6 AddMorphismToStandardConeObject

  3.1-7 MorphismFromStandardConeObjectWithGivenStandardConeObject

  3.1-8 AddMorphismFromStandardConeObjectWithGivenStandardConeObject

  3.1-9 MorphismFromStandardConeObject

  3.1-10 AddMorphismFromStandardConeObject

  3.1-11 ShiftOnObject

  3.1-12 AddShiftOnObject

  3.1-13 ShiftOnMorphismWithGivenObjects

  3.1-14 AddShiftOnMorphismWithGivenObjects

  3.1-15 ShiftOnMorphism

  3.1-16 Shift

  3.1-17 InverseShiftOnObject

  3.1-18 AddInverseShiftOnObject

  3.1-19 InverseShiftOnMorphismWithGivenObjects

  3.1-20 AddInverseShiftOnMorphismWithGivenObjects

  3.1-21 InverseShiftOnMorphism

  3.1-22 InverseShift

  3.1-23 UnitIsomorphismWithGivenObject

  3.1-24 AddUnitIsomorphismWithGivenObject

  3.1-25 UnitIsomorphism

  3.1-26 AddUnitIsomorphism

  3.1-27 InverseOfCounitIsomorphismWithGivenObject

  3.1-28 AddInverseOfCounitIsomorphismWithGivenObject

  3.1-29 InverseOfCounitIsomorphism

  3.1-30 InverseOfUnitIsomorphismWithGivenObject

  3.1-31 AddInverseOfUnitIsomorphismWithGivenObject

  3.1-32 InverseOfUnitIsomorphism

  3.1-33 CounitIsomorphismWithGivenObject

  3.1-34 AddCounitIsomorphismWithGivenObject

  3.1-35 CounitIsomorphism

  3.1-36 MorphismBetweenStandardConeObjectsWithGivenObjects

  3.1-37 AddMorphismBetweenStandardConeObjectsWithGivenObjects

  3.1-38 MorphismBetweenStandardConeObjects

  3.1-39 ConeObjectByOctahedralAxiom

  3.1-40 DomainMorphismByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects

  3.1-41 AddDomainMorphismByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects

  3.1-42 MorphismToConeObjectByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects

  3.1-43 AddMorphismToConeObjectByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects

  3.1-44 MorphismFromConeObjectByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects

  3.1-45 AddMorphismFromConeObjectByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects

  3.1-46 WitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardConeObjectByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects

  3.1-47 AddWitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardConeObjectByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects

  3.1-48 WitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardConeObjectByOctahedralAxiom

  3.1-49 WitnessIsomorphismFromStandardConeObjectByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects

  3.1-50 AddWitnessIsomorphismFromStandardConeObjectByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects

  3.1-51 WitnessIsomorphismFromStandardConeObjectByOctahedralAxiom

  3.1-52 ConeObjectByRotationAxiom

  3.1-53 DomainMorphismByRotationAxiom

  3.1-54 MorphismToConeObjectByRotationAxiom

  3.1-55 MorphismFromConeObjectByRotationAxiom

  3.1-56 WitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardConeObjectByRotationAxiom

  3.1-57 WitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardConeObjectByRotationAxiomWithGivenObjects

  3.1-58 AddWitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardConeObjectByRotationAxiomWithGivenObjects

  3.1-59 WitnessIsomorphismFromStandardConeObjectByRotationAxiom

  3.1-60 WitnessIsomorphismFromStandardConeObjectByRotationAxiomWithGivenObjects

  3.1-61 AddWitnessIsomorphismFromStandardConeObjectByRotationAxiomWithGivenObjects

  3.1-62 ConeObjectByInverseRotationAxiom

  3.1-63 DomainMorphismByInverseRotationAxiom

  3.1-64 MorphismToConeObjectByInverseRotationAxiom

  3.1-65 MorphismFromConeObjectByInverseRotationAxiom

  3.1-66 WitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardConeObjectByInverseRotationAxiom

  3.1-67 WitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardConeObjectByInverseRotationAxiomWithGivenObjects

  3.1-68 AddWitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardConeObjectByInverseRotationAxiomWithGivenObjects

  3.1-69 WitnessIsomorphismFromStandardConeObjectByInverseRotationAxiom

  3.1-70 WitnessIsomorphismFromStandardConeObjectByInverseRotationAxiomWithGivenObjects

  3.1-71 AddWitnessIsomorphismFromStandardConeObjectByInverseRotationAxiomWithGivenObjects

  3.1-72 ShiftExpandingIsomorphismWithGivenObjects

  3.1-73 AddShiftExpandingIsomorphismWithGivenObjects

  3.1-74 ShiftExpandingIsomorphism

  3.1-75 ShiftFactoringIsomorphismWithGivenObjects

  3.1-76 AddShiftFactoringIsomorphismWithGivenObjects

  3.1-77 ShiftFactoringIsomorphism

  3.1-78 InverseShiftExpandingIsomorphismWithGivenObjects

  3.1-79 AddInverseShiftExpandingIsomorphismWithGivenObjects

  3.1-80 InverseShiftExpandingIsomorphism

  3.1-81 InverseShiftFactoringIsomorphismWithGivenObjects

  3.1-82 AddInverseShiftFactoringIsomorphismWithGivenObjects

  3.1-83 InverseShiftFactoringIsomorphism

3 Triangulated Categories

3.1 Categorical operations

3.1-1 StandardConeObject
‣ StandardConeObject( alpha )( attribute )

Returns: an object

The argument is a morphism \alpha:A\to B in a triangulated category. The output is the standard cone object C(\alpha) of \alpha.

3.1-2 AddStandardConeObject
‣ AddStandardConeObject( T, F )( operation )

Returns: nothing

The arguments are a triangulated category \mathcal{T} and a function F. This operation adds the given function F to the category for the basic operation StandardConeObject.

3.1-3 MorphismToStandardConeObjectWithGivenStandardConeObject
‣ MorphismToStandardConeObjectWithGivenStandardConeObject( alpha, C )( operation )

Returns: a morphism \iota(\alpha):B\to C(\alpha)

The arguments are a morphism \alpha: A \to B in a triangulated category and an object C:=C(\alpha). The output is the morphism \iota(\alpha):B\to C(\alpha) into the standard cone object C(\alpha).

3.1-4 AddMorphismToStandardConeObjectWithGivenStandardConeObject
‣ AddMorphismToStandardConeObjectWithGivenStandardConeObject( T, F )( operation )

Returns: nothing

The arguments are a triangulated category \mathcal{T} and a function F. This operation adds the given function F to the category for the basic operation MorphismToStandardConeObjectWithGivenStandardConeObject.

3.1-5 MorphismToStandardConeObject
‣ MorphismToStandardConeObject( alpha )( attribute )

Returns: a morphism \iota(\alpha):B\to C(\alpha)

The argument is a morphism \alpha: A \to B in a triangulated category. The output is the morphism \iota(\alpha):B\to C(\alpha) into the standard cone object C(\alpha).

3.1-6 AddMorphismToStandardConeObject
‣ AddMorphismToStandardConeObject( T, F )( operation )

Returns: nothing

The arguments are a triangulated category \mathcal{T} and a function F. This operation adds the given function F to the category for the basic operation MorphismToStandardConeObject.

3.1-7 MorphismFromStandardConeObjectWithGivenStandardConeObject
‣ MorphismFromStandardConeObjectWithGivenStandardConeObject( alpha, C )( operation )

Returns: a morphism \pi(\alpha):C(\alpha)\to\Sigma A

The arguments are a morphism \alpha: A \to B in a triangulated category and an object C:=C(\alpha). The output is the morphism \pi(\alpha):C(\alpha)\to\Sigma A from the standard cone object C(\alpha).

3.1-8 AddMorphismFromStandardConeObjectWithGivenStandardConeObject
‣ AddMorphismFromStandardConeObjectWithGivenStandardConeObject( T, F )( operation )

Returns: nothing

The arguments are a triangulated category \mathcal{T} and a function F. This operation adds the given function F to the category for the basic operation MorphismFromStandardConeObjectWithGivenStandardConeObject.

3.1-9 MorphismFromStandardConeObject
‣ MorphismFromStandardConeObject( alpha, C )( attribute )

Returns: a morphism \pi(\alpha):C(\alpha)\to\Sigma A

The argument is a morphism \alpha: A \to B in a triangulated category. The output is the morphism \pi(\alpha):C(\alpha)\to\Sigma A from the standard cone object C(\alpha).

3.1-10 AddMorphismFromStandardConeObject
‣ AddMorphismFromStandardConeObject( T, F )( operation )

Returns: nothing

The arguments are a triangulated category \mathcal{T} and a function F. This operation adds the given function F to the category for the basic operation MorphismFromStandardConeObject.

3.1-11 ShiftOnObject
‣ ShiftOnObject( A )( attribute )

Returns: \Sigma A

The argument is an object A in a triangulated category \mathcal{T}. The output is \Sigma A.

3.1-12 AddShiftOnObject
‣ AddShiftOnObject( T, F )( operation )

Returns: nothing

The arguments are a triangulated category \mathcal{T} and a function F. This operation adds the given function F to the category for the basic operation ShiftOnObject.

3.1-13 ShiftOnMorphismWithGivenObjects
‣ ShiftOnMorphismWithGivenObjects( sigma_A, alpha, sigma_B )( operation )

Returns: \Sigma \alpha:\Sigma A \to \Sigma B

The arguments are an object \Sigma A, a morphism \alpha:A\to B and an object \Sigma B in a triangulated category \mathcal{T}. The output is \Sigma \alpha:\Sigma A \to \Sigma B.

3.1-14 AddShiftOnMorphismWithGivenObjects
‣ AddShiftOnMorphismWithGivenObjects( T, F )( operation )

Returns: nothing

The arguments are a triangulated category \mathcal{T} and a function F. This operation adds the given function F to the category for the basic operation ShiftOnMorphismWithGivenObjects.

3.1-15 ShiftOnMorphism
‣ ShiftOnMorphism( alpha )( attribute )

Returns: \Sigma \alpha:\Sigma A \to \Sigma B

The argument is a morphism \alpha:A\to B in a triangulated category \mathcal{T}. The output is \Sigma \alpha:\Sigma A \to \Sigma B.

3.1-16 Shift
‣ Shift( c )( operation )

Returns: \Sigma c

This is a convenience method to apply the shift functor on objects or morphisms. The operation delegates to either ShiftOnObject or ShiftOnMorphism.

3.1-17 InverseShiftOnObject
‣ InverseShiftOnObject( A )( operation )

Returns: \Sigma^{-1} A

The argument is an object A in a triangulated category \mathcal{T}. The output is \Sigma^{-1} A.

3.1-18 AddInverseShiftOnObject
‣ AddInverseShiftOnObject( T, F )( operation )

Returns: nothing

The arguments are a triangulated category \mathcal{T} and a function F. This operation adds the given function F to the category for the basic operation InverseShiftOnObject.

3.1-19 InverseShiftOnMorphismWithGivenObjects
‣ InverseShiftOnMorphismWithGivenObjects( rev_sigma_A, alpha, rev_sigma_B )( operation )

Returns: \Sigma^{-1} \alpha:\Sigma^{-1} A \to \Sigma^{-1} B

The arguments are an object \Sigma^{-1} A, a morphism \alpha:A\to B and an object \Sigma^{-1} B in a triangulated category \mathcal{T}. The output is \Sigma^{-1} \alpha:\Sigma^{-1} A \to \Sigma^{-1} B.

3.1-20 AddInverseShiftOnMorphismWithGivenObjects
‣ AddInverseShiftOnMorphismWithGivenObjects( T, F )( operation )

Returns: nothing

The arguments are a triangulated category \mathcal{T} and a function F. This operation adds the given function F to the category for the basic operation InverseShiftOnMorphismWithGivenObjects.

3.1-21 InverseShiftOnMorphism
‣ InverseShiftOnMorphism( alpha )( attribute )

Returns: \Sigma^{-1} \alpha:\Sigma^{-1} A \to \Sigma^{-1} B

The argument is a morphism \alpha:A\to B in a triangulated category \mathcal{T}. The output is \Sigma^{-1} \alpha:\Sigma^{-1} A \to \Sigma^{-1} B.

3.1-22 InverseShift
‣ InverseShift( c )( operation )

Returns: \Sigma^{-1} c

This is a convenience method to apply the inverse shift functor on objects or morphisms. The operation delegates to either InverseShiftOnObject or InverseShiftOnMorphism.

3.1-23 UnitIsomorphismWithGivenObject
‣ UnitIsomorphismWithGivenObject( A, sigma_o_rev_sigma_A )( operation )

Returns: a morphism A \to (\Sigma \circ \Sigma^{-1}) A

The arguments are two objects A and (\Sigma \circ \Sigma^{-1}) A in a triangulated category \mathcal{T}. The output is the natural isomorphism A \to (\Sigma \circ \Sigma^{-1}) A

3.1-24 AddUnitIsomorphismWithGivenObject
‣ AddUnitIsomorphismWithGivenObject( T, F )( operation )

Returns: nothing

The arguments are a triangulated category \mathcal{T} and a function F. This operation adds the given function F to the category for the basic operation UnitIsomorphismWithGivenObject.

3.1-25 UnitIsomorphism
‣ UnitIsomorphism( A )( attribute )

Returns: a morphism A \to (\Sigma \circ \Sigma^{-1}) A

The argument is an object A in a triangulated category \mathcal{T}. The output is the natural isomorphism A \to (\Sigma \circ \Sigma^{-1}) A

3.1-26 AddUnitIsomorphism
‣ AddUnitIsomorphism( T, F )( operation )

Returns: nothing

The arguments are a triangulated category \mathcal{T} and a function F. This operation adds the given function F to the category for the basic operation UnitIsomorphism.

3.1-27 InverseOfCounitIsomorphismWithGivenObject
‣ InverseOfCounitIsomorphismWithGivenObject( A, rev_sigma_o_sigma_A )( operation )

Returns: a morphism A \to (\Sigma^{-1} \circ \Sigma) A

The arguments are two objects A and (\Sigma^{-1} \circ \Sigma) A in a triangulated category \mathcal{T}. The output is the natural isomorphism A \to (\Sigma^{-1} \circ \Sigma) A

3.1-28 AddInverseOfCounitIsomorphismWithGivenObject
‣ AddInverseOfCounitIsomorphismWithGivenObject( T, F )( operation )

Returns: nothing

The arguments are a triangulated category \mathcal{T} and a function F. This operation adds the given function F to the category for the basic operation InverseOfCounitIsomorphismWithGivenObject.

3.1-29 InverseOfCounitIsomorphism
‣ InverseOfCounitIsomorphism( A )( attribute )

Returns: a morphism A \to (\Sigma^{-1} \circ \Sigma) A

The argument is an object A in a triangulated category \mathcal{T}. The output is the natural isomorphism A \to (\Sigma^{-1} \circ \Sigma) A

3.1-30 InverseOfUnitIsomorphismWithGivenObject
‣ InverseOfUnitIsomorphismWithGivenObject( A, sigma_o_rev_sigma_A )( operation )

Returns: a morphism (\Sigma \circ \Sigma^{-1}) A \to A

The arguments are two objects A and (\Sigma \circ \Sigma^{-1}) A in a triangulated category \mathcal{T}. The output is the natural isomorphism (\Sigma \circ \Sigma^{-1}) A \to A

3.1-31 AddInverseOfUnitIsomorphismWithGivenObject
‣ AddInverseOfUnitIsomorphismWithGivenObject( T, F )( operation )

Returns: nothing

The arguments are a triangulated category \mathcal{T} and a function F. This operation adds the given function F to the category for the basic operation InverseOfUnitIsomorphismWithGivenObject.

3.1-32 InverseOfUnitIsomorphism
‣ InverseOfUnitIsomorphism( A )( attribute )

Returns: a morphism (\Sigma \circ \Sigma^{-1}) A \to A

The argument in an objects A in a triangulated category \mathcal{T}. The output is the natural isomorphism (\Sigma \circ \Sigma^{-1}) A \to A

3.1-33 CounitIsomorphismWithGivenObject
‣ CounitIsomorphismWithGivenObject( A, rev_sigma_o_sigma_A )( operation )

Returns: a morphism (\Sigma^{-1} \circ \Sigma) A \to A

The arguments are two objects A and (\Sigma^{-1} \circ \Sigma) A in a triangulated category \mathcal{T}. The output is the natural isomorphism (\Sigma^{-1} \circ \Sigma) A \to A

3.1-34 AddCounitIsomorphismWithGivenObject
‣ AddCounitIsomorphismWithGivenObject( T, F )( operation )

Returns: nothing

The arguments are a triangulated category \mathcal{T} and a function F. This operation adds the given function F to the category for the basic operation CounitIsomorphismWithGivenObject.

3.1-35 CounitIsomorphism
‣ CounitIsomorphism( A )( attribute )

Returns: a morphism (\Sigma^{-1} \circ \Sigma) A \to A

The argument is an object A in a triangulated category \mathcal{T}. The output is the natural isomorphism (\Sigma^{-1} \circ \Sigma) A \to A

3.1-36 MorphismBetweenStandardConeObjectsWithGivenObjects
‣ MorphismBetweenStandardConeObjectsWithGivenObjects( C_alpha_1, list, C_alpha_2 )( operation )

Returns: a morphism C(\alpha_1) \to C(\alpha_2)

The arguments are an object C_{\alpha_1}, a list of four morphisms \alpha_1:A_1\to B_1, u:A_1\to A_2, v:B_1\to B_2, \alpha_2:A_2\to B_2 and an object C_{\alpha_2} such that C_{\alpha_1}:=C(\alpha_1), C_{\alpha_2}:=C(\alpha_2) and v\circ \alpha_1=\alpha_2\circ u. The output is a morphism w:C(\alpha_1) \to C(\alpha_2) such that w\circ \iota(\alpha_1)=\iota(\alpha_2)\circ v and \Sigma u\circ\pi(\alpha_1)=\pi(\alpha_2)\circ w.

3.1-37 AddMorphismBetweenStandardConeObjectsWithGivenObjects
‣ AddMorphismBetweenStandardConeObjectsWithGivenObjects( T, F )( operation )

Returns: nothing

The arguments are a triangulated category \mathcal{T} and a function F. This operation adds the given function F to the category for the basic operation MorphismBetweenStandardConeObjectsWithGivenObjects.

3.1-38 MorphismBetweenStandardConeObjects
‣ MorphismBetweenStandardConeObjects( alpha_1, u, v, alpha_2 )( operation )

Returns: a morphism C(\alpha_1) \to C(\alpha_2)

The arguments are morphisms \alpha_1:A_1\to B_1, u:A_1\to A_2, v:B_1\to B_2, \alpha_2:A_2\to B_2 such that v\circ \alpha_1=\alpha_2\circ u. The output is a morphism w:C(\alpha_1) \to C(\alpha_2) such that w\circ \iota(\alpha_1)=\iota(\alpha_2)\circ v and \Sigma u\circ\pi(\alpha_1)=\pi(\alpha_2)\circ w.

3.1-39 ConeObjectByOctahedralAxiom
‣ ConeObjectByOctahedralAxiom( alpha, beta )( operation )

Returns: C(\beta)

The arguments are two morphisms \alpha:A\to B, \beta:B\to C. The output is the standard cone object C(\beta).

3.1-40 DomainMorphismByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects
‣ DomainMorphismByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects( alpha, beta )( operation )

Returns: a morphism u_{\alpha,\beta}:C(\alpha)\to C(\beta\circ\alpha)

The arguments are two morphisms \alpha:A\to B, \beta:B\to C. The output is a morphism u_{\alpha,\beta}:C(\alpha)\to C(\beta\circ\alpha) such that u_{\alpha,\beta}\circ\iota(\alpha)=\iota(\beta\circ\alpha)\circ\beta and \pi(\alpha)=\pi(\beta\circ\alpha)\circ u_{\alpha,\beta}.

3.1-41 AddDomainMorphismByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects
‣ AddDomainMorphismByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects( T, F )( operation )

Returns: nothing

The arguments are a triangulated category \mathcal{T} and a function F. This operation adds the given function F to the category for the basic operation DomainMorphismByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects.

3.1-42 MorphismToConeObjectByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects
‣ MorphismToConeObjectByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects( alpha, beta )( operation )

Returns: a morphism C(\beta\circ\alpha) \to C(\beta)

The arguments are two morphisms \alpha:A\to B, \beta:B\to C. The output is a morphism \iota_{\alpha,\beta}:C(\beta\circ\alpha) \to C(\beta) such that \iota_{\alpha,\beta}\circ\iota(\beta\circ\alpha)=\iota(\beta) and \Sigma\alpha\circ\pi(\beta\circ\alpha)=\pi(\beta).

3.1-43 AddMorphismToConeObjectByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects
‣ AddMorphismToConeObjectByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects( T, F )( operation )

Returns: nothing

The arguments are a triangulated category \mathcal{T} and a function F. This operation adds the given function F to the category for the basic operation MorphismToConeObjectByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects.

3.1-44 MorphismFromConeObjectByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects
‣ MorphismFromConeObjectByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects( alpha, beta )( operation )

Returns: a morphism C(\beta) \to \Sigma C(\alpha)

The arguments are two morphisms \alpha:A\to B, \beta:B\to C. The output is a morphism \pi_{\alpha,\beta}:C(\beta) \to \Sigma C(\alpha) such that \pi_{\alpha,\beta}=\Sigma \iota(\alpha) \circ\pi(\beta).

3.1-45 AddMorphismFromConeObjectByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects
‣ AddMorphismFromConeObjectByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects( T, F )( operation )

Returns: nothing

The arguments are a triangulated category \mathcal{T} and a function F. This operation adds the given function F to the category for the basic operation MorphismFromConeObjectByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects.

3.1-46 WitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardConeObjectByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects
‣ WitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardConeObjectByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects( s, alpha, beta, r )( operation )

Returns: a morphism C(\beta)\to C(u_{\alpha,\beta})

The arguments are an object s=C(\beta), a morphism \alpha:A\to B, a morphism \beta:B\to C and an object r=C(u_{\alpha,\beta}). The output is an isomorphism w_{\alpha,\beta}:C(\beta)\to C(u_{\alpha,\beta}) such that w_{\alpha,\beta}\circ \iota_{\alpha,\beta}=\iota(u_{\alpha,\beta}) and \pi_{\alpha,\beta}=\pi(u_{\alpha,\beta})\circ w_{\alpha,\beta}. I.e., the following diagram is commutative:

3.1-47 AddWitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardConeObjectByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects
‣ AddWitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardConeObjectByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects( T, F )( operation )

Returns: nothing

The arguments are a triangulated category \mathcal{T} and a function F. This operation adds the given function F to the category for the basic operation WitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardConeObjectByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects.

3.1-48 WitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardConeObjectByOctahedralAxiom
‣ WitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardConeObjectByOctahedralAxiom( alpha, beta )( operation )

Returns: a morphism C(\beta)\to C(u_{\alpha,\beta}).

The arguments are two morphisms \alpha:A\to B and \beta:B\to C. The output is an isomorphism C(\beta)\to C(u_{\alpha,\beta}) such that w_{\alpha,\beta}\circ \iota_{\alpha,\beta}=\iota(u_{\alpha,\beta}) and \pi_{\alpha,\beta}=\pi(u_{\alpha,\beta})\circ w_{\alpha,\beta}.

3.1-49 WitnessIsomorphismFromStandardConeObjectByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects
‣ WitnessIsomorphismFromStandardConeObjectByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects( alpha, beta )( operation )

Returns: a morphism C(u_{\alpha,\beta})\to C(\beta)

The arguments are two morphisms \alpha:A\to B and \beta:B\to C. The output is ...

3.1-50 AddWitnessIsomorphismFromStandardConeObjectByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects
‣ AddWitnessIsomorphismFromStandardConeObjectByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects( T, F )( operation )

Returns: nothing

The arguments are a triangulated category \mathcal{T} and a function F. This operation adds the given function F to the category for the basic operation WitnessIsomorphismFromStandardConeObjectByOctahedralAxiomWithGivenObjects.

3.1-51 WitnessIsomorphismFromStandardConeObjectByOctahedralAxiom
‣ WitnessIsomorphismFromStandardConeObjectByOctahedralAxiom( alpha, beta )( operation )

Returns: a morphism C(u_{\alpha,\beta})\to C(\beta)

The arguments are two morphisms \alpha:A\to B and \beta:B\to C. The output is ...

3.1-52 ConeObjectByRotationAxiom
‣ ConeObjectByRotationAxiom( alpha )( attribute )

Returns: an object \Sigma A

The argument is a morphism \alpha:A\to B The output is \Sigma A.

3.1-53 DomainMorphismByRotationAxiom
‣ DomainMorphismByRotationAxiom( alpha )( attribute )

Returns: a morphism B\to C(\alpha).

The argument is a morphism \alpha:A\to B. The output is \iota(\alpha):B\to C(\alpha).

3.1-54 MorphismToConeObjectByRotationAxiom
‣ MorphismToConeObjectByRotationAxiom( alpha )( attribute )

Returns: a morphism C(\alpha)\to \Sigma A

The argument is a morphism \alpha:A\to B. The output is a morphism \pi(\alpha):C(\alpha)\to \Sigma A.

3.1-55 MorphismFromConeObjectByRotationAxiom
‣ MorphismFromConeObjectByRotationAxiom( alpha )( attribute )

Returns: a morphism \Sigma A\to\Sigma B

The argument is a morphism \alpha:A\to B. The output is a morphism -\Sigma \alpha:\Sigma A\to\Sigma B.

3.1-56 WitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardConeObjectByRotationAxiom
‣ WitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardConeObjectByRotationAxiom( alpha )( attribute )

Returns: a morphism \Sigma A \to C(\iota(\alpha))

The argument is a morphism \alpha:A\to B. The output is an isomorphism \Sigma A \to C(\iota(\alpha)) such that ?\circ\pi(\alpha)=\iota(\iota(\alpha)) and \pi(\iota(\alpha))\circ ?=-\Sigma \alpha.

3.1-57 WitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardConeObjectByRotationAxiomWithGivenObjects
‣ WitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardConeObjectByRotationAxiomWithGivenObjects( s, alpha, r )( operation )

Returns: a morphism \Sigma A \to C(\iota(\alpha))

The arguments are an object s=\Sigma A, morphism \alpha:A\to B and an object r=C(\iota A ). The output is an isomorphism \Sigma A \to C(\iota(\alpha)) such that ?\circ\pi(\alpha)=\iota(\iota(\alpha)) and \pi(\iota(\alpha))\circ ?=-\Sigma \alpha.

3.1-58 AddWitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardConeObjectByRotationAxiomWithGivenObjects
‣ AddWitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardConeObjectByRotationAxiomWithGivenObjects( T, F )( operation )

Returns: nothing

The arguments are a triangulated category \mathcal{T} and a function F. This operation adds the given function F to the category for the basic operation WitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardConeObjectByRotationAxiomWithGivenObjects.

3.1-59 WitnessIsomorphismFromStandardConeObjectByRotationAxiom
‣ WitnessIsomorphismFromStandardConeObjectByRotationAxiom( alpha )( attribute )

Returns: a morphism C(\iota(\alpha))\to\Sigma A

The argument is a morphism \alpha:A\to B. The output is an isomorphism C(\iota(\alpha))\to\Sigma A such that ???

3.1-60 WitnessIsomorphismFromStandardConeObjectByRotationAxiomWithGivenObjects
‣ WitnessIsomorphismFromStandardConeObjectByRotationAxiomWithGivenObjects( s, alpha, r )( operation )

Returns: a morphism C(\iota(\alpha))\to\Sigma A

The arguments are an object s=C(\iota(\alpha)), morphism \alpha:A\to B and an object r=\Sigma A. The output is an isomorphism C(\iota(\alpha))\to\Sigma A such that ???

3.1-61 AddWitnessIsomorphismFromStandardConeObjectByRotationAxiomWithGivenObjects
‣ AddWitnessIsomorphismFromStandardConeObjectByRotationAxiomWithGivenObjects( T, F )( operation )

Returns: nothing

The arguments are a triangulated category \mathcal{T} and a function F. This operation adds the given function F to the category for the basic operation WitnessIsomorphismFromStandardConeObjectByRotationAxiomWithGivenObjects.

3.1-62 ConeObjectByInverseRotationAxiom
‣ ConeObjectByInverseRotationAxiom( alpha )( attribute )

Returns: an object \Sigma A

The argument is a morphism \alpha:A\to B The output is \Sigma A.

3.1-63 DomainMorphismByInverseRotationAxiom
‣ DomainMorphismByInverseRotationAxiom( alpha )( attribute )

Returns: a morphism B\to C(\alpha).

The argument is a morphism \alpha:A\to B. The output is \iota(\alpha):B\to C(\alpha).

3.1-64 MorphismToConeObjectByInverseRotationAxiom
‣ MorphismToConeObjectByInverseRotationAxiom( alpha )( attribute )

Returns: a morphism C(\alpha)\to \Sigma A

The argument is a morphism \alpha:A\to B. The output is a morphism \pi(\alpha):C(\alpha)\to \Sigma A.

3.1-65 MorphismFromConeObjectByInverseRotationAxiom
‣ MorphismFromConeObjectByInverseRotationAxiom( alpha )( attribute )

Returns: a morphism \Sigma A\to\Sigma B

The argument is a morphism \alpha:A\to B. The output is a morphism -\Sigma \alpha:\Sigma A\to\Sigma B.

3.1-66 WitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardConeObjectByInverseRotationAxiom
‣ WitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardConeObjectByInverseRotationAxiom( alpha )( attribute )

Returns: a morphism \Sigma A \to C(\iota(\alpha))

The argument is a morphism \alpha:A\to B. The output is an isomorphism \Sigma A \to C(\iota(\alpha)) such that ?\circ\pi(\alpha)=\iota(\iota(\alpha)) and \pi(\iota(\alpha))\circ ?=-\Sigma \alpha.

3.1-67 WitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardConeObjectByInverseRotationAxiomWithGivenObjects
‣ WitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardConeObjectByInverseRotationAxiomWithGivenObjects( s, alpha, r )( operation )

Returns: a morphism \Sigma A \to C(\iota(\alpha))

The arguments are an object s=\Sigma A, morphism \alpha:A\to B and an object r=C(\iota A ). The output is an isomorphism \Sigma A \to C(\iota(\alpha)) such that ?\circ\pi(\alpha)=\iota(\iota(\alpha)) and \pi(\iota(\alpha))\circ ?=-\Sigma \alpha.

3.1-68 AddWitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardConeObjectByInverseRotationAxiomWithGivenObjects
‣ AddWitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardConeObjectByInverseRotationAxiomWithGivenObjects( T, F )( operation )

Returns: nothing

The arguments are a triangulated category \mathcal{T} and a function F. This operation adds the given function F to the category for the basic operation WitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardConeObjectByInverseRotationAxiomWithGivenObjects.

3.1-69 WitnessIsomorphismFromStandardConeObjectByInverseRotationAxiom
‣ WitnessIsomorphismFromStandardConeObjectByInverseRotationAxiom( alpha )( attribute )

Returns: a morphism C(\iota(\alpha))\to\Sigma A

The argument is a morphism \alpha:A\to B. The output is an isomorphism C(\iota(\alpha))\to\Sigma A such that ???

3.1-70 WitnessIsomorphismFromStandardConeObjectByInverseRotationAxiomWithGivenObjects
‣ WitnessIsomorphismFromStandardConeObjectByInverseRotationAxiomWithGivenObjects( s, alpha, r )( operation )

Returns: a morphism C(\iota(\alpha))\to\Sigma A

The arguments are an object s=C(\iota(\alpha)), morphism \alpha:A\to B and an object r=\Sigma A. The output is an isomorphism C(\iota(\alpha))\to\Sigma A such that ???

3.1-71 AddWitnessIsomorphismFromStandardConeObjectByInverseRotationAxiomWithGivenObjects
‣ AddWitnessIsomorphismFromStandardConeObjectByInverseRotationAxiomWithGivenObjects( T, F )( operation )

Returns: nothing

The arguments are a triangulated category \mathcal{T} and a function F. This operation adds the given function F to the category for the basic operation WitnessIsomorphismFromStandardConeObjectByInverseRotationAxiomWithGivenObjects.

3.1-72 ShiftExpandingIsomorphismWithGivenObjects
‣ ShiftExpandingIsomorphismWithGivenObjects( X, L, Y )( operation )

Returns: a morphism

The arguments are list L=[A_1,\dots,A_n] and two objects X=\Sigma \bigoplus_i A_i, Y=\bigoplus_i \Sigma A_i. The output is the isomorphism X \rightarrow Y associated to \Sigma.

3.1-73 AddShiftExpandingIsomorphismWithGivenObjects
‣ AddShiftExpandingIsomorphismWithGivenObjects( C, F )( operation )

Returns: nothing

The arguments are a triangulated category \mathcal{C} w.r.t. \Sigma:\mathcal{C} \rightarrow \mathcal{C} and a function F. This operation adds the given function F to the category for the basic operation ShiftExpandingIsomorphismWithGivenObjects.

3.1-74 ShiftExpandingIsomorphism
‣ ShiftExpandingIsomorphism( L )( operation )

Returns: a morphism

The argument is a list L=[A_1,\dots,A_n]. The output is the isomorphism X \rightarrow Y associated to \Sigma, where X=\Sigma \bigoplus_i A_i and Y=\bigoplus_i \Sigma A_i

3.1-75 ShiftFactoringIsomorphismWithGivenObjects
‣ ShiftFactoringIsomorphismWithGivenObjects( Y, L, X )( operation )

Returns: a morphism

The arguments are list L=[A_1,\dots,A_n] and two objects Y=\bigoplus_i \Sigma A_i, X=\Sigma \bigoplus_i A_i. The output is the isomorphism Y \rightarrow X associated to \Sigma.

3.1-76 AddShiftFactoringIsomorphismWithGivenObjects
‣ AddShiftFactoringIsomorphismWithGivenObjects( C, F )( operation )

Returns: nothing

The arguments are a triangulated category \mathcal{C} w.r.t. \Sigma:\mathcal{C} \rightarrow \mathcal{C} and a function F. This operation adds the given function F to the category for the basic operation AddShiftFactoringIsomorphismWithGivenObjects.

3.1-77 ShiftFactoringIsomorphism
‣ ShiftFactoringIsomorphism( L )( operation )

Returns: a morphism

The argument is a list L=[A_1,\dots,A_n]. The output is the isomorphism Y \rightarrow X associated to \Sigma, where Y=\bigoplus_i \Sigma A_i and X=\Sigma \bigoplus_i A_i.

3.1-78 InverseShiftExpandingIsomorphismWithGivenObjects
‣ InverseShiftExpandingIsomorphismWithGivenObjects( X, L, Y )( operation )

Returns: a morphism

The arguments are list L=[A_1,\dots,A_n] and two objects X=\Sigma^{-1} \bigoplus_i A_i, Y=\bigoplus_i \Sigma^{-1} A_i. The output is the isomorphism X \rightarrow Y associated to \Sigma^{-1}.

3.1-79 AddInverseShiftExpandingIsomorphismWithGivenObjects
‣ AddInverseShiftExpandingIsomorphismWithGivenObjects( C, F )( operation )

Returns: nothing

The arguments are a triangulated category \mathcal{C} w.r.t. \Sigma:\mathcal{C} \rightarrow \mathcal{C} and a function F. This operation adds the given function F to the category for the basic operation InverseShiftExpandingIsomorphismWithGivenObjects.

3.1-80 InverseShiftExpandingIsomorphism
‣ InverseShiftExpandingIsomorphism( L )( operation )

Returns: a morphism

The argument is a list L=[A_1,\dots,A_n]. The output is the isomorphism X \rightarrow Y associated to \Sigma, where X=\Sigma \bigoplus_i A_i and Y=\bigoplus_i \Sigma A_i

3.1-81 InverseShiftFactoringIsomorphismWithGivenObjects
‣ InverseShiftFactoringIsomorphismWithGivenObjects( Y, L, X )( operation )

Returns: a morphism

The arguments are list L=[A_1,\dots,A_n] and two objects Y=\bigoplus_i \Sigma^{-1} A_i, X=\Sigma^{-1} \bigoplus_i A_i. The output is the isomorphism Y \rightarrow X associated to \Sigma^{-1}.

3.1-82 AddInverseShiftFactoringIsomorphismWithGivenObjects
‣ AddInverseShiftFactoringIsomorphismWithGivenObjects( C, F )( operation )

Returns: nothing

The arguments are a triangulated category \mathcal{C} w.r.t. \Sigma:\mathcal{C} \rightarrow \mathcal{C} and a function F. This operation adds the given function F to the category for the basic operation InverseShiftFactoringIsomorphismWithGivenObjects.

3.1-83 InverseShiftFactoringIsomorphism
‣ InverseShiftFactoringIsomorphism( L )( operation )

Returns: a morphism

The argument is a list L=[A_1,\dots,A_n]. The output is the isomorphism Y \rightarrow X associated to \Sigma^{-1}, where Y=\bigoplus_i \Sigma^{-1} A_i and X=\Sigma^{-1} \bigoplus_i A_i.

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