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1 Category of triangles
 1.1 Gap categories
 1.2 Constructors

1 Category of triangles

1.1 Gap categories

1.1-1 IsCapCategoryOfExactTriangles
‣ IsCapCategoryOfExactTriangles( T )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category for the category of triangles over some triangulated category.

1.1-2 IsCapExactTriangle
‣ IsCapExactTriangle( triangle )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category for exact triangles.

1.1-3 IsCapExactTrianglesMorphism
‣ IsCapExactTrianglesMorphism( mu )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category for morphism of exact triangles

1.2 Constructors

1.2-1 CategoryOfExactTriangles
‣ CategoryOfExactTriangles( T )( attribute )

Returns: a CAP category

The argument is some triangulated category \(\mathcal{T}\). The output is the category of exact triangles over \(\mathcal{T}\).

1.2-2 UnderlyingCategory
‣ UnderlyingCategory( C )( attribute )

Returns: a CAP category

The argument is a category of triangles over some triangulated category \(\mathcal{T}\). The output is \(\mathcal{T}\).

1.2-3 ExactTriangle
‣ ExactTriangle( alpha, iota, pi )( operation )

Returns: an exact triangle

The arguments are three morphisms \(\alpha:A\to B\), \(\iota:B\to C\) and \(\pi:C\to\Sigma A\) in some triangulated category \(\mathcal{T}\). The output the exact triangle \(A\to B \to C \to \Sigma A\) defined by them.

1.2-4 DomainMorphism
‣ DomainMorphism( t )( attribute )

Returns: a morphism

The arguments is an exact triangle defined by three morphisms \(\alpha:A\to B\), \(\iota:B\to C\) and \(\pi:C\to\Sigma A\). The output is \(\alpha:A\to B\).

1.2-5 MorphismToConeObject
‣ MorphismToConeObject( t )( attribute )

Returns: a morphism

The arguments is an exact triangle defined by three morphisms \(\alpha:A\to B\), \(\iota:B\to C\) and \(\pi:C\to\Sigma A\). The output is \(\iota:B\to C\).

1.2-6 MorphismFromConeObject
‣ MorphismFromConeObject( t )( attribute )

Returns: a morphism

The arguments is an exact triangle defined by three morphisms \(\alpha:A\to B\), \(\iota:B\to C\) and \(\pi:C\to\Sigma A\). The output is \(\pi:C\to\Sigma A\).

1.2-7 ObjectAt
‣ ObjectAt( t, i )( operation )

Returns: an object

The arguments is an exact triangle defined by three morphisms \(\alpha:A\to B\), \(\iota:B\to C\) and \(\pi:C\to\Sigma A\) and an integer \(i\in\{0,1,2,3\}\). The output is \(A\) if \(i=0\), \(B\) if \(i=1\), \(C\) if \(i=2\) and \(\Sigma A\) if \(i=3\).

1.2-8 \[\]
\[\]( t, i )( operation )

Returns: an object

Delegates to the operation ObjectAt.

1.2-9 MorphismAt
‣ MorphismAt( t, i )( operation )

Returns: a morphism

The arguments is an exact triangle defined by three morphisms \(\alpha:A\to B\), \(\iota:B\to C\) and \(\pi:C\to\Sigma A\) and an integer \(i\in\{0,1,2\}\). The output is \(\alpha\) if \(i=0\), \(\iota\) if \(i=1\), \(\pi\) if \(i=2\).

1.2-10 \^
‣ \^( t, i )( operation )

Returns: a morphism

Delegates to the operation MorphismAt.

1.2-11 StandardExactTriangle
‣ StandardExactTriangle( alpha )( attribute )

Returns: an standard exact triangle

The arguments is a morphism \(\alpha:A\to B\) in some triangulated category \(\mathcal{T}\). The output the standard exact triangle \(A\to B \to C(\alpha) \to \Sigma A\) defined by \(\alpha\).

1.2-12 StandardExactTriangle
‣ StandardExactTriangle( t )( attribute )

Returns: an standard exact triangle

The arguments is an exact triangle \(t=(\alpha,\iota,\pi)\). The output the standard exact triangle \((\alpha,\iota(\alpha),\pi(\alpha))\).

1.2-13 IsStandardExactTriangle
‣ IsStandardExactTriangle( t )( property )

Returns: true or false

The argument is an exact triangle \(t=(\alpha,\iota,\pi)\). The operation checks whether \(t\) is standard exact triangle or not. I.e., it checks whether \(\iota=\iota(\alpha)\) and \(\pi=\pi(\alpha)\).

1.2-14 WitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardExactTriangle
‣ WitnessIsomorphismOntoStandardExactTriangle( t )( attribute )

Returns: a morphism of triangles

The argument is an exact triangle \(t=(\alpha,\iota,\pi)\). The output is an isomorphism of triangles from \(t\) into the standard exact triangle \((\alpha,\iota(\alpha),\pi(\alpha))\).

1.2-15 WitnessIsomorphismFromStandardExactTriangle
‣ WitnessIsomorphismFromStandardExactTriangle( t )( attribute )

Returns: a morphism of triangles

The argument is an exact triangle \(t=(\alpha,\iota,\pi)\). The output is an isomorphism of triangles from the standard exact triangle \((\alpha,\iota(\alpha),\pi(\alpha))\) into t. This isomorphism is equal to the inverse of the witness isomorphism into the standard exact triangle.

1.2-16 MorphismOfExactTriangles
‣ MorphismOfExactTriangles( t_1, mu_0, mu_1, mu_2, t_2 )( operation )

Returns: a morphism \(t_1\to t_2\)

The arguments are an exact triangle \(t_1\), three morphisms \(\mu_0:t_1[0]\to t_2[0]\), \(\mu_1:t_1[1]\to t_2[1]\), \(\mu_2:t_1[2]\to t_2[2]\) and an exact triangle \(t_2\). The output is the morphism of exact triangles from \(t_1\to t_2\) defined by these morphisms.

1.2-17 MorphismAt
‣ MorphismAt( phi, i )( operation )

Returns: a morphism

The arguments is a morphism \(\mu:t_1\to t_2\) of exact triangles defined by three morphisms \(\mu_0:t_1[0]\to t_2[0]\), \(\mu_1:t_1[1]\to t_2[1]\) and \(\mu_2:t_1[2]\to t_2[2]\); and an integer \(i\in\{0,1,2\}\). The output is \(\mu_0\) if \(i=0\), \(\mu_1\) if \(i=1\), \(\mu_2\) if \(i=2\).

1.2-18 \[\]
\[\]( phi, i )( operation )

Returns: a morphism

Delegates to the operation MorphismAt.

1.2-19 MorphismBetweenConeObjects
‣ MorphismBetweenConeObjects( t_1, mu_0, mu_1, t_2 )( operation )

Returns: a morphism

The arguments are an exact triangle \(t_1\), two morphisms \(\mu_0:t_1[0]\to t_2[0]\), \(\mu_1:t_1[1]\to t_2[1]\), and an exact triangle \(t_2\). The output is some morphism \(\mu_2:t_1[2]\to t_2[2]\) such that \((t_1,\mu_0,\mu_1,\mu_2,t_2)\) is a morphism of exact triangles.

1.2-20 MorphismOfExactTriangles
‣ MorphismOfExactTriangles( t_1, mu_0, mu_1, t_2 )( operation )

Returns: a morphism

The arguments are an exact triangle \(t_1\), two morphisms \(\mu_0:t_1[0]\to t_2[0]\), \(\mu_1:t_1[1]\to t_2[1]\), and an exact triangle \(t_2\). The output is some morphism of exact triangles \((t_1,\mu_0,\mu_1,\mu_2,t_2)\). The morphism \(\mu_2\) will be computed by using the operation MorphismBetweenConeObjects.

1.2-21 ExactTriangleByOctahedralAxiom
‣ ExactTriangleByOctahedralAxiom( alpha, beta, gamma )( operation )

Returns: a triangle

The arguments are two morphisms \(\alpha:A\to B\), \(\beta:B\to C\). The output is the exact triangle defined by the Octhedral axiom.

1.2-22 ExactTriangleByOctahedralAxiom
‣ ExactTriangleByOctahedralAxiom( alpha, beta, gamma, b )( operation )

Returns: a triangle

The arguments are two morphisms \(\alpha:A\to B\), \(\beta:B\to C\) and a boolian \(b\). The output is the exact triangle defined by the Octhedral axiom. If \(b\)=true, then the operation will compute a witness isomorphism into the standard exact triangle.

1.2-23 ExactTriangleByOctahedralAxiom
‣ ExactTriangleByOctahedralAxiom( t_1, t_2, b )( operation )

Returns: a triangle

The arguments are two exact triangles \(t_1,t_2\) such that \(t_1[1]=t_2[0]\) and a boolian \(b\). The output is ExactTriangleByOctahedralAxiom\((t_1,t_2)\). If \(b\) = true then the operation will compute a witness isomorphism into the standard exact triangle.

1.2-24 ExactTriangleByOctahedralAxiom
‣ ExactTriangleByOctahedralAxiom( t_1, t_2, t_3 )( operation )

Returns: a triangle

The arguments are three exact triangles \(t_1,t_2,t_3\) such that \(t_1[1]=t_2[0]\), \(t_1[0]=t_3[0]\), \(t_2[1]=t_3[1]\) and \(t_2^0\circ t_1^0=t_3^0\). The output is the exact triangle defined by the Octahedral axiom.

1.2-25 Rotation
‣ Rotation( t )( attribute )

Returns: a triangle

The argument is an exact triangle \(t=(\alpha,\iota,\pi)\). The output is the exact triangle defined by the rotation axiom, i.e., the exact triangle \((\iota,\pi,-\Sigma \alpha)\).

1.2-26 Rotation
‣ Rotation( t, b )( operation )

Returns: a triangle

The arguments are an exact triangle \(t=(\alpha,\iota,\pi)\) and a boolian \(b\). The output is Rotation\((t)\). If \(b\)=true, then the operation will compute a witness isomorphism into the standard exact triangle.

1.2-27 InverseRotation
‣ InverseRotation( t )( attribute )

Returns: a triangle

The argument is an exact triangle \(t=(\alpha,\iota,\pi)\). The output is the exact triangle defined by the inverse rotation axiom, i.e., the exact triangle \((-\eta(A)\circ\Sigma^{-1}\pi,\alpha,\mu(C)\circ\iota)\), such that \(\eta\) := CounitIsomorphism, \(\mu\) := UnitIsomorphism, \(A\) := Source\((\alpha)\) and \(C\) := Range\((\iota)\).

1.2-28 InverseRotation
‣ InverseRotation( t, bool )( operation )

Returns: a triangle

The arguments are an exact triangle \(t=(\alpha,\iota,\pi)\) and a boolian \(b\). The output is InverseRotation\((t)\). If \(b\)=true, then the operation will compute a witness isomorphism into the standard exact triangle.

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