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1 Complexes categories
 1.1 Constructing chain and cochain categories

1 Complexes categories

1.1 Constructing chain and cochain categories

1.1-1 IsChainOrCochainComplexCategory
‣ IsChainOrCochainComplexCategory( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

Gap-categories of the chain or cochain complexes category.

1.1-2 IsBoundedChainOrCochainComplexCategory
‣ IsBoundedChainOrCochainComplexCategory( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

Gap-categories of the chain or cochain complexes category.

1.1-3 IsChainComplexCategory
‣ IsChainComplexCategory( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

Gap-categories of the chain complexes category.

1.1-4 IsBoundedChainComplexCategory
‣ IsBoundedChainComplexCategory( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

Gap-categories of the chain complexes category.

1.1-5 IsCochainComplexCategory
‣ IsCochainComplexCategory( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

Gap-category of the cochain complexes category.

1.1-6 IsBoundedCochainComplexCategory
‣ IsBoundedCochainComplexCategory( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

Gap-category of the cochain complexes category.

1.1-7 ChainComplexCategory
‣ ChainComplexCategory( A )( attribute )

Returns: a CAP category

Creates the chain complex category \mathrm{Ch}_\bullet(A) an additive category A. If you want to contruct the category without finalizing it so that you can add your own methods, you can run the command \texttt{ChainComplexCategory(A : FinalizeCategory := false )}.

1.1-8 CochainComplexCategory
‣ CochainComplexCategory( A )( attribute )

Returns: a CAP category

Creates the cochain complex category \mathrm{Ch}^\bullet(A) an additive category A. If you want to contruct the category without finalizing it so that you can add your own methods, you can run the command \texttt{CochainComplexCategory(A : FinalizeCategory := false )}.

1.1-9 UnderlyingCategory
‣ UnderlyingCategory( B )( attribute )

Returns: a CAP category

The input is a chain or cochain complex category B=C(A) constructed by one of the previous commands. The outout is A

1.1-10 FullSubcategoryGeneratedByComplexesConcentratedInDegree
‣ FullSubcategoryGeneratedByComplexesConcentratedInDegree( B, n )( operation )

Returns: a CAP category

The input is a chain or cochain complex category B=C(A) and an integer n. The outout is the additive full subcategory generated by complexes concentrated in degree n.

1.1-11 AddIsNullHomotopic
‣ AddIsNullHomotopic( Com(A), F )( operation )

Returns: true or false

The input is chain (or cochain category) Com(A) of some additive category A and a function F. This operation adds the given function F to the category Com(A) for the basic operation IsNullHomotopic. So, F should be a function whose input is a chain or cochain morphism \phi\in Com(A) and output is true if \phi is null-homotopic and false otherwise.

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