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1 Bicomplexes
 1.1 Categories
 1.2 Constructors
 1.3 Attributes
 1.4 Operations

1 Bicomplexes

1.1 Categories

1.1-1 IsCapCategoryBicomplexCell
‣ IsCapCategoryBicomplexCell( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of cells in a CAP category of bicomplexes.

1.1-2 IsCapCategoryBicomplexObject
‣ IsCapCategoryBicomplexObject( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of bicomplex objects in a CAP category of bicomplexes.

1.1-3 IsCapCategoryHomologicalBicomplexObject
‣ IsCapCategoryHomologicalBicomplexObject( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of homological bicomplex objects in a CAP category of bicomplexes.

1.1-4 IsCapCategoryCohomologicalBicomplexObject
‣ IsCapCategoryCohomologicalBicomplexObject( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of cohomological bicomplex objects in a CAP category of bicomplexes.

1.1-5 IsCapCategoryBicomplexMorphism
‣ IsCapCategoryBicomplexMorphism( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of bicomplex morphisms in a CAP category of bicomplexes.

1.1-6 IsCapCategoryHomologicalBicomplexMorphism
‣ IsCapCategoryHomologicalBicomplexMorphism( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of homological bicomplex morphisms in a CAP category of bicomplexes.

1.1-7 IsCapCategoryCohomologicalBicomplexMorphism
‣ IsCapCategoryCohomologicalBicomplexMorphism( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

The GAP category of cohomological bicomplex morphisms in a CAP category of bicomplexes.

1.2 Constructors

1.2-1 AssociatedBicomplexObject
‣ AssociatedBicomplexObject( cx )( attribute )

Returns: a CAP object

Return the bicomplex associated to the complex of complexes cx.

1.2-2 AssociatedBicomplexMorphism
‣ AssociatedBicomplexMorphism( mu )( attribute )

Returns: a CAP morphism

Return the morphism of bicomplexes associated to the chain morphism between two complexes of complexes mu.

1.2-3 AssociatedBicomplexFunctor
‣ AssociatedBicomplexFunctor( F, name )( operation )
‣ AssociatedBicomplexFunctor( F )( attribute )

Returns: a CAP functor

1.2-4 AssociatedBicomplex
‣ AssociatedBicomplex( eta, name )( operation )
‣ AssociatedBicomplex( eta )( attribute )

Returns: a CAP natural transformation

1.2-5 AsCategoryOfBicomplexes
‣ AsCategoryOfBicomplexes( A )( attribute )

Returns: a CAP category

Return the category of bicomplexes of the Abelian category A of complexes of complexes.

1.3 Attributes

1.3-1 UnderlyingCategoryOfComplexesOfComplexes
‣ UnderlyingCategoryOfComplexesOfComplexes( Bicx )( attribute )

The category of double complexes underlying the category of bicomplexes Bicx.

1.3-2 UnderlyingCapCategoryCell
‣ UnderlyingCapCategoryCell( B )( attribute )

The complex of complexes underlying the bicomplex B.

1.4 Operations

1.4-1 HomologicalBicomplex
‣ HomologicalBicomplex( C )( operation )

Returns: B

The input is a chain of chains. The output is the corresponding anti-commutative homological bicomplex.

1.4-2 HomologicalBicomplex
‣ HomologicalBicomplex( C, h, v )( operation )

Returns: B

The input is Cap category and two infinite lists(??????). The output is the corresponding anti-commutative homological bicomplex.

1.4-3 HomologicalBicomplex
‣ HomologicalBicomplex( C, h, v )( operation )

Returns: B

The input is Cap category and two functions. The output is the corresponding anti-commutative homological bicomplex.

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